Everyone needs to keep costs under control. Record keeping as such is only the first step. The next step is the approval process. We have incorporated this entire process into a unique solution. We have implemented our SmartFP system with a cost approval module into the environment of a multinational company.
Approval in a clear way
We first defined an approval process for the system. This involves an average of 6 levels – from the line officers, to the directors of each factory, to the CEO. The whole designed process is governed by adjustable financial limits.
Intuitive to use
The solution included Azure Active directory integration for secure login and easy permissions setup. Of course, there is an intuitive approval process with indication of the necessary approval steps, including email notification and history of all steps.
Reporting module
Additional functionality is the use of a reporting module for a quick overview of the current status of projects with the possibility of exporting to Excel or PDF.